Friday, April 1, 2016

When I initially formed this story, it was by all accounts

Animal Planet Full Episodes When I initially formed this story, it was by all accounts more focused in beautiful writing, similar to Baudelaire, or Robert Bly's work or so far as that is concerned even Robinson Jeffers-not planned to be but rather wound up being: or alike. That every concentrate in itself turns out to be a composition sonnet. Subsequently, 'Ithuriel... " was composed in a three day period, on the off the cuff really. Sort of a propelled reflection on humankind and its roots, if there was a theme or planned one, or topic going through it, connecting one concentrate to another, it was all things considered passing on in the least complex dialect the extravagance and unpredictability of God's realizing mankind in this one of a kind path, up, and from, and into the 21st Century. Thus this is the manner by which I felt on the venture, while doing it. Presently I know emotions are neither right nor wrong they simply are, yet what was my point, reason, I asked myself. Maybe, I was attempting or trusting that an essayist, a writer could portray an option that is bigger than vast, and put into a nutshell, in the meantime without asserting it, without submerging it, yet rather permitting the brain to remove what it needs aimlessly, similar to Allen Ginsburg has regularly did inside of his scatted verse, thus not placing oneself into an encased tank of yearning. In any case, I assume this is not what happened, an incredible inverse. My longings and dissatisfactions in humankind, the world, etc, move alongside every scene, or concentrate, the way they move. Every last bit of me has a craving that pulls ever-which-way, every concentrate turned into an empty tree to be filled, without anyone else's input: and it was loaded with forcefulness, anger, and yearning, and love and it turned into an article ballad or a reason lyric, writing sonnet to be correct, a long winded exposition story, as this maybe is more than isn't; with human pictures, inventive dialect, and who knows some dream perchance, and authenticity, and truth, and rationality, religious philosophy, archaic exploration, humanities, topography, et cetera: we may say the story Ithuriel needs to tell, that he has a confounded soul from which this streams and a Neanderthal cerebrum, which is a piece of his temperament, as is a piece of my tendency, to portray how a grain of grass transformed into a field of weeds, blossoms and grass.


(Separates from:)

Ithuriel, the Hominid

Ithuriel, the Hominid's ballad

I have observed almost the whole period of man,

Have seen it end to end.

Furthermore, it apparently closures too early.

Saw the hippogriff, and tasted dim red, mandrake wine...

Battled the one-peered toward Cyclopes, to take a break!

I've had an enduring life, and ten-thousand dreams-

Furthermore, I can let you know quickly,

This universe of our own, is more than what it appears.

Note: Written 5-6-2014 (No: 4339)

"Siberia. At one time Siberia was mellow, maybe even tropical, and overnight turned ice. I've been looking at this an incredible while. Why am I certain, I don't have a clue, maybe unimportant waywardness, stupidity, who's to say, I've lived so long I've overlooked how old I am. In those days, back before time was recording, there were five-a great many mammoths, elephants, and they solidified overnight, and they're bodies are covered under that overnight ice and mud, and ice: now I know this for a truth and they passed on of asphyxia, alongside rhinoceros, and other bigger animals, a calamitous occasion occurred.

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