Friday, April 1, 2016

Freackin' nibble my glossy metal ass news

Animal Planet Full Episodes Freackin' nibble my glossy metal ass news - I got an early survey duplicate of the Futurama Movie! Futurama fans (myself included) will be exceptionally upbeat to hear this. November 27 is the date when they are going to discharge the Futurama Movie! Furthermore, I have direct impressions right here.

It's called Futurama: Bender's Big Score. The title is a farce of Shaft's Big Score. The motion picture is composed by Ken Keeler, in light of a story by Ken Keeler and David X. Cohen, coordinated by Dwayne Carey-Hill. The entire thing is around one and a half hours long.

The plot grabs following two years after the last scene was disclosed with Professor Farnsworth telling everybody that they have been terminated two years prior. At that point he gets a call from The Box (Fox?) Network letting him know they were reestablished. Obviously, the _network_ gets bashed for crossing out the show amid the whole film. Despite the fact that it's completely clear that the show has crisp blood in its veins, while staying with the great old Futurama amusingness. So the Planet Express gets another mission, they need to make a conveyance to Nudist planet and that is the place the fundamental plot begins to reveal.


The Planet Express group get misled online in the wake of giving endlessly their email addresses in an overview. Initially bare outsiders trick the Professor and assume control over his organization. At that point they begin defrauding others and assume control over the Earth. Additionally Hermes gets his head cleaved off and now spends the majority of the scene in the jug, while his wife uncovers the skank inside. Leela meets an alluring beau (that assumes a noteworthy part in the plot). Drinking spree gets an infection from a spam (porn?) letter and is under control of the con artists. In the long run the outsiders find a strange tattoo on Fry's butt that contains a double code. This code opens up a period entryway that can send you to at whatever time. So the con artists send Bender to the past to take every one of the assets from Earth's past. When they figured out how to take everything, Fry figures out how to open the gateway and go to the year 2000. Drinking spree follows him with pitiless aims.


The story, while it is by all accounts a bit excessively bent and freackin' marvelous - wraps it all up rather pleasantly. Much like the last scene of Season 5, it's about the affection in the middle of Fry and Leela, with everything else only there for amusement only. What's more, truly, regardless of the possibility that you're not that enthusiastic about Futurama, this is one of the better vivified films in years that will get you snared quickly. You will need to investigate the entire universe of the appear, and will observe every one of the 5 seasons. The Futurama team is currently taking a shot at a progression of Futurama motion pictures. Matt Groening, the maker of Futurama said they are going to attempt to partition them into scenes. Whether they are going to make it a full-length straight-to-DVD's or air scenes is not by any stretch of the imagination vital. The critical thing is - Futurama is back! Nibble my gleaming metal ass!

I know I presumably shouldn't single out God

Animal Planet Full Episodes I know I presumably shouldn't single out God and the Bible as regularly as I do, be that as it may, you know, it's so damn simple it's no trouble at all. God beyond any doubt leads with His button. Anyway, on the off chance that I haven't been struck around lightning at this point, I most likely won't be, so here goes another round. According to common, all references are from the King James Version (KJV) of the supposed "Expression of God".

Scriptural Close Encounters

Way more individuals have had a nearby experience with the Loch Ness Monster than all the different Biblical characters set up together have had as for a very close chinwag with the Almighty. On the off chance that you place confidence in old Greece mythology, way more mortals had a nearby experience - a nearby experience - with Zeus, than at any other time talked with God.

In The Biblical Beginning: Genesis

Genesis 1:24-25 lets us know God made the physical creatures (dairy cattle, brutes, crawling things). Man was then made in Genesis 1:26-27. In Genesis 2:7, God made man (as in the primary male), and after that the monsters, and so on in Genesis 2:18-19. So which started things out the human or the creature?

God says (Genesis 2:17; Genesis 3:3) that in the event that you eat of the taboo natural product that contained the information of good-and-fiendishness (the Bible never specifies it being an apple coincidentally) you will kick the container, quickly if not sooner. Adam and Eve however had an essence of that great and-shrewdness brand of nibble sustenance (Genesis 3:6), and think about what, similar to the serpent said (Genesis 3:4); thou both survived and didn't kick the pail. Thus, God was telling lies! Truth be told, Adam lived to a ready seniority of 930 years (Genesis 5:5), doing his productive and duplicating piece long in the wake of tasting the prohibited organic product. So God in fact cried 'wolf'. In God we trust? I think not.

What's more, does that serpent who prowled in the Garden of Eden know something we don't, that truth be told there is not a divine being, but rather divine beings (plural). Look at the shrewdness of the serpent in Genesis 3:5. Polytheism rules, OK? Truth be told, later on down the track in Exodus, and in other Biblical books, God says the same thing - there are to be sure different divine beings.

Sarah's age as indicated by Genesis 17:17 was 90 years of age when she brings forth Isaac; Genesis 23:1 records her age as 127 years of age at time of death. That ought to be in the "Guinness Book of World Records" and in addition "Ripley's Believe It or Not".

All of you know the narrative of Noah's Ark and the Biblical Flood and how the creatures (each living thing of all tissue) went in two by two, male and female (Genesis 6:19-20; Genesis 7:8-9 and 7:14-15) But in Genesis 7:2-3, clean creatures go in sevens, male and female, likewise the fowls of the air, however unclean mammoths just go in sets, male and female. Something's peculiar some place when the Bible can't get the story straight and reliable in one solitary section.

What age do you hope to live to? In the event that you have confidence in Genesis 6:3, you'll live until you're 120 years of age! Furthermore, here I thought threescore and ten years was the Biblical standard - well I wasn't right. Despite everything I have another fifty-five years of paying expenses to go, not five. That is not 120 most extreme incidentally, but rather 120 years least (since a considerable measure of Biblical characters, similar to Adam, lived way past that). Anyway, 120 years it is. That is God's guarantee. Yet, as a general rule, murmur, that is simply one more of God's lies. So on the off chance that you don't, live to be 120, you know who to fuss as well!

Genesis 4:17 goes on about Cain's wife. Where did she originate from?

At that point you have that Towel of Babel story. Yet, it wasn't simply God who went down to puzzle the dialect of the manufacturers so that nobody would comprehend any other individual. There is a secretive, and strange other(s), noted in Genesis 11:7 as "let us go down" and do the filthy deed. Who is that "us"? Who knows?

Indeed, to get directly to the point, the aggregate of Genesis is one major abnormality through and through.

Other Biblical Contradictions

Presently where precisely did Aaron, kid sibling of Moses, kick the pail? In the event that you trust Numbers 33:39, Aaron passed on, at 123 years old, at Mount Hor. Then again, on the off chance that you trust Deuteronomy 10:6, Aaron passed on and was covered at Mosera. They unquestionably didn't utilize actuality checkers back in those days.

Who incited David to number Israel? Indeed, as indicated by 1 Chronicles 21:1, it was Satan. Be that as it may, how about we not give the fallen angel his due so quick, on the grounds that in 2 Samuel 24:1, it was the LORD Himself who did the deed! There's never a decent editorial manager around when you require one.

What number of minx children did Michal, the little girl of Saul have? Indeed, 2 Samuel 6:23 said she was infertile until the day she kicked the bucket. No descendents did she have. In any case, don't despair for her, on the grounds that in 2 Samuel 21:8 she brought forth an aggregate of five strapping young men. Somebody (Samuel?) didn't concentrate enough maths to recognize zero units from five units.

Normal Universe: Once upon a period there was this huge Bang!

Animal Planet Full Episodes Normal Universe: Once upon a period there was this huge Bang! The Natural Universe was conceived. The Natural Universe is truly genuine reality. This is the universe of science, the universe where Mother Nature is Queen, the universe that about every one of us consider when we think about the universe we occupy. It's the universe of death and assessments; of circumstances and end results. Be that as it may, it's by all account not the only choice.

*Simulated Universe: In the starting the Supreme Programmer made Virtual Reality! We're all acquainted with PC/programming produced reenactments from computer games to instructive/preparing test systems. Earth isn't in control. It's the developer, the product, the player who pulls the strings. Circumstances and end results still standards, yet it's a universe where everything without exception can happen; the laws, standards and connections of science that hold firm in the Natural Universe are superfluous here - Software rules. The upshot is that we are the manikins. We "live" in another person's Simulated Universe. Our existence is virtual reality. That is obviously on the off chance that you acknowledge the likelihood of a reenacted universe and test systems and appropriated refined programming - however in the event that you don't, well that deals with that. Be that as it may, how about we keep a receptive outlook.

*Supernatural Universe: In the starting, God (or some extraordinary copy thereof) settled Life, the Supernatural Universe and Everything! A Supernatural Universe is a universe that contains one or more heavenly gods. Enchantment and wonders and different infringement of the laws, connections and standards of science can and do happen. There's no firm causality. Impulses happen. There may be science, yet gods can modify the guidelines at whatever time and place they pick. That is the reason it's SUPER-regular. That is obviously in the event that you acknowledge the likelihood of extraordinary gods existing - and billions do - however in the event that you don't, well that deals with that. Be that as it may, once more, we should keep a receptive outlook and see where it takes us.

Possibly we life in a Supernatural Universe loaded with one or more gods, or we live in the genuine Natural Universe (that is really a minority perspective since more prominent than half of the human populace trust in a god(s) and the supernatural#), or we live in a Simulated Universe which could be wetware (yours or somebody else's) or programming (human or outsider). On the off chance that the last that Simulated Universe, a making of wetware or programming, presumably eventually dwells in a truly genuine Natural Universe, one that is outside our ability to understand. It's very conceivable despite the fact that to have, similar to a progression of Russian dolls, a Simulated Universe inside of a Simulated Universe inside of a Simulated Universe, and so forth. That aside, the inquiry is the way to settle on the three conceivable outcomes.

Inside of the aggregate of human convictions, there are sure universals shared by all societies at all times. Researchers tend to call these convictions mythology or religion or the extraordinary or paranormal. Whatever the name, it's hard to absolutely release these convictions as superstitious babble given the all inclusiveness of those convictions. Something is going on - where's there's smoke there's flame, or as I get a kick out of the chance to expression it, behind each heap of mythology lies a molehill of actuality. All in all, tolerating that we have some accurate molehills, what are these general convictions? All things considered, they tend to revolve around creation for one thing. In any case, creation, the Alpha, and its partner, devastation, the Omega, be it of the universe, the Earth, life or individuals, is one and only a few universals that are in all cases in each human society from each human period. You have close general convictions in the normal request of things, in gods, unrestrained choice, in a life following death, in a spot to spend an existence in the wake of death, and indications of the individuals who are experiencing a the great beyond - apparitions for need of a superior word - resurrection, and additionally shape-shifters, cross breed animals and the all inclusive surge. With one exemption, half and half animals, faith in these universals ordinarily reaches out to the present day, however maybe with less power, or a few, similar to shape-moving, are currently generally minor contrasted and that 'sometime in the distant past' period.

Presently one needs to plot those eleven universals against the three conceivable universes (Natural, Simulated and Supernatural) and check whether one sort of universe best backings those human social universals or convictions - creation/devastation; the common request; gods; unrestrained choice; existence in the wake of death; the great beyond area; phantoms; rebirth; shape-shifters; cross breed animals and the widespread surge.

I've been solicited these sorts from inquiries numerous

Animal Planet Full Episodes I've been solicited these sorts from inquiries numerous, multiple occassions throughout the years as Bible instructor and as a minister, by both youngsters and grown-ups; and I beg that my answers in the most recent quite a while have been useful, as I do beg that what I compose now, will illuminate to the assemblage of Christ and celebrating to the Lord.

We realize that God administers to the creatures He has made. We are told in the Scriptures that God "giveth to the monster his sustenance, and to the youthful ravens which cry" (Psalm 147:9). Jesus additionally talks about the great Father's consideration, concern and procurement for ravens (Luke 12:24) and the fowls of the air (Matthew 6:26). In spite of the fact that all of humankind thought and rehearsed mischievousness at one early point in mankind's history (Genesis 6:5), when God decimated all the insidious upon the earth with a surge, He spared each sort of creature through Noah and his crew (Genesis 6:14-22).

Thusly, with that sort of extraordinary consideration, concern, empathy, and procurement for the creatures, no doubt God would seek that sort of sympathy from humanity for creatures too: and He does, as it is composed, "Whoever is exemplary has respect for the life of his brute, yet the kindness of the insidious is remorseless" (Proverbs 12:10, ESV). As to the treatment of creatures and the salvation of man, we need to be cautious with this verse and guarantee that we are not utilizing the sympathy toward creatures as a pointer of a spared and recover life. On the off chance that a spirit is genuinely spared by the beauty of God, dressed in Christ's exemplary nature, they will have sympathy toward creatures, especially the trained ones that fit in with them. Yet, even the mischievous would have an appearance of compassion and benevolence, yet contrasted with the blessed exemplary nature of Christ, it is insidious and barbarous in the site of God. The irregularity of such heretic conduct can be found in a hefty portion of the individuals who fight for every living creature's common sense entitlement with savagery, and perhaps even be supporters of fetus removal.

Frequently, the responses to the inquiry concerning the endless predetermination of our pets is commonly exceptionally concise, even terse, paying little heed to what side of the issue the analyst takes. Dr. Harry Ironsides has been cited as saying, "Great, my canine will be there, and I couldn't care less what anyone says." Those on the opposite side of the issue might basically say, "They don't have spirits. They have bodies and they have intuition, and there's an incredible contrast."

I'm not willing to simply toss out a brief response for an inquiry like this, for a few reasons; yet I will just give two of the most critical: (1) that kids normally are the ones that pose this question, and we, as Christian folks ought to give them each conceivable minute we can to acquire them up the support and exhortation of the Lord; and (2) there are far more noteworthy issues in question, and accordingly we miss the chance to bring God extraordinary superbness, to illuminate others, and to develop in effortlessness and be fortified in confidence ourselves. These two reasons are the reason I ask you bear somewhat more with me.

To just release creatures as having no souls is somewhat shortsighted and does not have some scriptural profundity (and I compose this with all lowliness and with the best regard for the individuals who have treated the issue in this way, as even the connection I've given above are the considerations of men with a much more noteworthy educational bent than I would ever plan to have). The same expression, "living soul" that is utilized of Adam when the LORD God inhaled into his nostrils the breath of life (Genesis 2:7) is utilized of creatures, as the Scripture calls them "living animals" (Genesis 1:21, 24; 2:19; 9:10, 12, 15, in Hebrew, Nephesh Chay'ah). Presently, one may contend that the creatures don't have a spirit that can reason and justify, pretty much as we have sacred writing evidences to bolster Christ's mankind as being that of fragile living creature and blood, as well as taking upon Himself a genuine balanced soul (Isaiah 53:10; Matthew 26:38; and Isaiah 1:18 infers the reason of the human soul also). Yet, however I for one trust that creatures are aware creatures, made with senses, &etc., I'm not willing to recommend that there is no reason inside of creatures out and out. That sort of strict one sided reason makes a trouble in our Biblical considering. The serpent, you might review, was more cunning (subtil, KJV) than every one of the monsters of the field (Genesis 3:1). "Crafty" is a Hebrew word that is both utilized of astuteness as a part of both a positive path and in addition negative. We likewise have a New Testament maxim from the Lord Christ when He advises His devotees to be "insightful as serpents, and safe as birds" (Matthew 10:16). Further, we have the scene of Balaam's jackass in Numbers 22 when the LORD opened the mouth of the creature and it talked with levelheaded, sensible and conversational dialog with its proprietor (Numbers 22:28-30).

Despite the fact that I have offered these scriptural illustrations of a probability of a sensible soul in creatures, I'm not recommending that creatures have that sensible soul either. These might have been confined occurrences and circumstances supervised by the fortune of a sovereign God. With this, I really need us to approach this issue Biblically, and most particularly in a way that is Christ-focused, Christ-lifted up, and gospel soaked.

Do our pets go to paradise? On that specifically the Bible is noiseless. It is an issue that hasn't been uncovered to us in or through the pages of Scripture, and to give an answer that either says "yes" or "no" has gone past our degree as ministers, evangelists, instructors, and folks. "The mystery things fit in with the LORD our God, yet the things that are uncovered have a place with us and to our youngsters always, that we might do every one of the expressions of this law" (Deuteronomy 29:29, ESV).

Designated for four Emmys, including Outstanding Dramatic Series

Animal Planet Full Episodes Designated for four Emmys, including Outstanding Dramatic Series two times in its short three-year stretch, Star Trek is a genuine legend of TV history. The brainchild of previous L.A. policeman Gene Roddenberry, the show debuted in Fall 1966 just to be crossed out after three seasons because of dreary appraisals. Be that as it may, it might well have been NBC's system administrators who were the reason for the low appraisals as they allocated a not exactly alluring time opening for the appear. At the point when Star Trek moved into syndication, its reruns caught the sci-fi creative energy of a totally new gathering of people, catapulting the Star Trek establishment to new statures. Its recently discovered notoriety would, in the decades to come, produce books, comic books, six full-length highlight movies, and reams of stock as fans clamored for anything Star Trek-related. Starting in the 1980's, twist offs of the show started to seem, for example, Star Trek: The Animated Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, and Star Trek: Enterprise...

Star Trek, the first TV arrangement, takes after the gutsy adventures of the team of the U.S.S. Endeavor as they "strongly go where no man has gone before..." The spaceship Enterprise is driven by Captain James Tiberius Kirk (William Shatner), an Earth-conceived space traveler who regularly displays the appeal, administration, and imagination important for the mission's survival. Kirk is joined by Lt. Leader Spock (Leonard Nimoy), a Vulcan-conceived resigned authority and hypothetical researcher. Boss restorative officer Dr. Leonard McCoy (DeForest Kelley) rounds out the fundamental cast of Star Trek which incorporates a plenty of supporting team with various visitor appearances and cameo parts. Together, the group of U.S.S. Undertaking looks to complete its main goal: "to investigate abnormal new universes, to search out new life and new civilizations..." It's this spearheading state of mind, combined with creative science fiction universes, that furnishes Star Trek with its nostalgic charm - particularly these scenes from the first TV arrangement, generally viewed as the most mainstream of all the TV arrangement...

The Star Trek (Season 3) DVD highlights various activity stuffed scenes including the season debut "Spock's Brain" in which the Enterprise is captured by a puzzling, unidentified shuttle. An outsider from the boat pillars herself onto the scaffold of the Enterprise and renders the whole team oblivious. When they stir, McCoy advises Kirk that the outsider has appropriated Spock's mind. Presently, the Enterprise is tasked with finding Spock's mind before his body rots... Other prominent scenes from Season 3 incorporate "Plato's Stepchildren" in which the occupants of the planet Platonius exploit the Enterprise team's goodwill keeping in mind the end goal to oppress them by means of telekinesis, and "The Way to Eden" in which the Enterprise is seized by a band of Earthlings in quest for the legendary planet Eden, a greenery enclosure like universe of wellbeing, immaculateness, and bliss...

The following is a rundown of scenes included on the Star Trek (Season 3) DVD:

Scene 56 (Spock's Brain) Air Date: 09-20-1968

Scene 57 (The Enterprise Incident) Air Date: 09-27-1968

Scene 58 (The Paradise Syndrome) Air Date: 10-04-1968

Scene 59 (And the Children Shall Lead) Air Date: 10-11-1968

Scene 60 (Is There in Truth No Beauty?) Air Date: 10-18-1968

Scene 61 (Specter of the Gun) Air Date: 10-25-1968

Scene 62 (Day of the Dove) Air Date: 11-01-1968

Scene 63 (For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky) Air Date: 11-08-1968

Scene 64 (The Tholian Web) Air Date: 11-15-1968

Scene 65 (Plato's Stepchildren) Air Date: 11-22-1968

Scene 66 (Wink of an Eye) Air Date: 11-29-1968

Scene 67 (The Empath) Air Date: 12-06-1968

Scene 68 (Elaan of Troyius) Air Date: 12-20-1968

Scene 69 (Whom Gods Destroy) Air Date: 01-03-1969

Scene 70 (Let That Be Your Last Battlefield) Air Date: 01-10-1969

Scene 71 (The Mark of Gideon) Air Date: 01-17-1969

Scene 72 (That Which Survives) Air Date: 01-24-1969

Scene 73 (The Lights of Zetar) Air Date: 01-31-1969

Scene 74 (Requiem for Methuselah) Air Date: 02-14-1969

Scene 75 (The Way to Eden) Air Date: 02-21-1969

Scene 76 (The Cloudminders) Air Date: 02-28-1969

Scene 77 (The Savage Curtain) Air Date: 03-07-1969

Scene 78 (All Our Yesterdays) Air Date: 03-14-1969

Scene 79 (Turnabout Intruder) Air Date: 06-03-1969

Natural life documentaries have taken individuals

Animal Planet Full Episodes Natural life documentaries have taken individuals into the homes of creatures, plants and other non-human living animals for a considerable length of time. It is an approach to see life in the wild very close. There is nothing more great, stunning, and multifaceted than a film that investigates the world we live in and the animals that make it up.

Commonly these types of documentaries are made for TV with most airing on open television stations. In any case, there are the uncommon few that are made for the silver screen and amazement groups of onlookers around the world.

TV documentaries started on BBC TV with a long-running arrangement entitled Look. The initial 50-minute week after week narrative arrangement was The World About Us, which began with a shading portion from a French producer Haroun Tazieff that was called Volcano.

In the late 1970s and mid 1980s there were a few TV organizations around the globe that started represent considerable authority in the common history division including any semblance of ABC in Melbourne and Australia.

Untamed life documentaries component a wide cluster of themes with shifting arrangement's and projects. Everything from various species to the environment to exploratory thoughts like advancement has been touched on. Keeping in mind most take the logical and instructive course, others locate a one of a kind approach to make a charming and dazzling narrative that is brain boggling.

There are diverse ways the movies are introduced, albeit most element a human moderator. Logical voiceovers are most regular, yet broad association and showdowns with creatures have turned out to be progressively well known throughout the years.

The absolute most renowned narrative creators and moderators incorporate Bernhard Grzimek, David Attenborough, Richard Brock, Jeff Corwin, Marty Stouffer and Steve Irwin. As specified, most movies are made for TV. In any case, a portion of the full-length true to life presentations that have spellbound groups of onlookers incorporate Animals Are Beautiful People, The Living Desert, Blue Planet and March of the Penguins.

The thought of having the capacity to see distinctive species very close and in their surroundings is exciting to numerous. This is the thing that has kept untamed life documentaries going for a considerable length of time. Some are even displayed as TV miniseries with the most outstanding originating from "Life" arrangement from BBC, which was composed and introduced by Sir David Attenborough. The arrangement involves Life on Earth in 1979 for 13 scenes, The Living Planet in 1984 for 12 scenes, The Trials of Life in 1990 for 12 scenes and a few different adjustments.

Natural life documentaries keep on astounding gatherings of people overall today. The most customary style known as 'blue chip' writing computer programs is to a great degree costly, however conveys uncommon pictures. Furthermore, the creation of Planet Earth denoted the primary arrangement to ever be made totally in superior quality organization. This is only an indication of what is to come later on of natural life cinematography.

When I initially formed this story, it was by all accounts

Animal Planet Full Episodes When I initially formed this story, it was by all accounts more focused in beautiful writing, similar to Baudelaire, or Robert Bly's work or so far as that is concerned even Robinson Jeffers-not planned to be but rather wound up being: or alike. That every concentrate in itself turns out to be a composition sonnet. Subsequently, 'Ithuriel... " was composed in a three day period, on the off the cuff really. Sort of a propelled reflection on humankind and its roots, if there was a theme or planned one, or topic going through it, connecting one concentrate to another, it was all things considered passing on in the least complex dialect the extravagance and unpredictability of God's realizing mankind in this one of a kind path, up, and from, and into the 21st Century. Thus this is the manner by which I felt on the venture, while doing it. Presently I know emotions are neither right nor wrong they simply are, yet what was my point, reason, I asked myself. Maybe, I was attempting or trusting that an essayist, a writer could portray an option that is bigger than vast, and put into a nutshell, in the meantime without asserting it, without submerging it, yet rather permitting the brain to remove what it needs aimlessly, similar to Allen Ginsburg has regularly did inside of his scatted verse, thus not placing oneself into an encased tank of yearning. In any case, I assume this is not what happened, an incredible inverse. My longings and dissatisfactions in humankind, the world, etc, move alongside every scene, or concentrate, the way they move. Every last bit of me has a craving that pulls ever-which-way, every concentrate turned into an empty tree to be filled, without anyone else's input: and it was loaded with forcefulness, anger, and yearning, and love and it turned into an article ballad or a reason lyric, writing sonnet to be correct, a long winded exposition story, as this maybe is more than isn't; with human pictures, inventive dialect, and who knows some dream perchance, and authenticity, and truth, and rationality, religious philosophy, archaic exploration, humanities, topography, et cetera: we may say the story Ithuriel needs to tell, that he has a confounded soul from which this streams and a Neanderthal cerebrum, which is a piece of his temperament, as is a piece of my tendency, to portray how a grain of grass transformed into a field of weeds, blossoms and grass.


(Separates from:)

Ithuriel, the Hominid

Ithuriel, the Hominid's ballad

I have observed almost the whole period of man,

Have seen it end to end.

Furthermore, it apparently closures too early.

Saw the hippogriff, and tasted dim red, mandrake wine...

Battled the one-peered toward Cyclopes, to take a break!

I've had an enduring life, and ten-thousand dreams-

Furthermore, I can let you know quickly,

This universe of our own, is more than what it appears.

Note: Written 5-6-2014 (No: 4339)

"Siberia. At one time Siberia was mellow, maybe even tropical, and overnight turned ice. I've been looking at this an incredible while. Why am I certain, I don't have a clue, maybe unimportant waywardness, stupidity, who's to say, I've lived so long I've overlooked how old I am. In those days, back before time was recording, there were five-a great many mammoths, elephants, and they solidified overnight, and they're bodies are covered under that overnight ice and mud, and ice: now I know this for a truth and they passed on of asphyxia, alongside rhinoceros, and other bigger animals, a calamitous occasion occurred.